Importing Used Machinery 
When importing used machinery into Australia, a quarantine permit may be required before you can import the machinery and an inspection upon your cargo's arrival for any quarantine risk material by a Bio security officer prior to release is mandatory.
It will be a permit condition of the used machinery import that the machinery arrives in a clean state.
If the machinery has not been cleaned to the required standards.Australian Quarantine Bio Security have the power to order additional cleaning at an approved premise
If the machinery arrives in a highly contaminated state (large amounts of soil and organic matter detected on the machinery), to order the export from Australia of the contaminated machinery.
• This is done at the expense of the importer.
The final decision on acceptable cleanliness of the machinery is at the discretion of the inspecting Bio security officer and they will give the direction for release from quarantine, order additional cleaning or refuse entry and order re-exportation.
Bio security defines ‘clean’ as free of quarantine risk material and has a zero-tolerance policy for any contamination from soil or plant material.
It is the importer's responsibility to ensure the machinery arrives in a clean condition and the requirements of any applicable import permit are strictly adhered to.
Exact information to assist in the importation of machinery into Australia is available on the Australian Bio Security Web Site
How to avoid delays ?
If a bio-security officer can access all areas of a machine and confirm it is free from contamination it may be released directly from the wharf or storage facility. This is the most efficient way to import used machinery into Australia.
Machinery may require dismantling for effective cleaning before importing into Australia. In order to meet import conditions and prevent delays, ensure the machinery cleanliness is maintained during transport.
Machinery transported in a clean and dismantled state may be released following an inspection by Bio-security.