Australia Free Trade Agreements

  • Free trade agreements

    Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are the international agreements that remove or reduce certain trade and investment barriers between two or more countries. In the simplest of terms, free trade is the total absence of government policies restricting the import and export of goods and services

    Australia currently has free trade agreements with more than 20 countries, and is seeking to negotiate and implement additional agreements. These Free trade agreements provide the mechanism for the facilitation of trade & most industrialized nations have in place free trade agreements.

    The Australian Free Trade Agreements

    Australia currently has free trade agreements with more than 20 countries,

    They are with individual countries or groups of countries which provides

    1. better Australian access to important markets.
    2. an improved competitive position for Australian Exports.
    3. more prospects for increased two-way investment.
    4. reduced import costs for Australian businesses and consumers alike.
    5. new or better access to markets for services exports.
    6. guarantees of existing services access in some areas.
    7. reduced regulatory barriers in different service sectors.
    8. improving mobility for business travel.
    9. enhanced protections and certainty for investors.

    For detailed view of the Free Agreements just click HERE

    •  Australia-New Zealand (ASEAN)
    • Canada Australia (CANATA)
    • China-Australia (ChAFTA)
    • Australia-Chile (ACl-FTA)
    • Developing Country Preferential Rates
    • Forum Islands (Including Fiji)
    • Korea-Australia (KAFTA)
    • Japan-Australia Economic Partnership (JAEPA)
    • Malaysia-Australia t (MAFTA)
    • Australian New Zealand Closer Economic Relations (ANZCERTA)
    • Singapore-Australia (SAFTA)
    • Thailand-Australia (TAFTA)
    • Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
    • Australia-United States (AUSFTA)

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