Importing by post or mail service
postal service -If you receive parcels in the mail from outside Australia you are the importer of those goods, even if the goods were unsolicited.All goods imported by post or mail (whether for commercial purposes or personal use) are assessed for community protection risks, permit and import requirements, duty, taxes and other charges.
If you receive gifts or donated goods through the mail, these are still subject to assessment for duty, taxes and other charges (where applicable).All imported goods are screened by the Australian Border Force
Goods with a declared or assessed value equal to or less than AUD 1000
Goods that arrive by mail and have a declared or assessed value equal to or less than AUD1000 will not incur duty, taxes or charges, unless they are alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or tobacco products.Once cleared, these goods will be delivered to you by Australia Post.
Goods with a declared or assessed value of more than AUD1000
If the goods you have imported have a declared or assessed value of more than AUD1000, you will be sent a First Notice by Australia Post advising that you will need to lodge an Import Declaration for the goods.The Import Declaration will be assessed for duty and taxes and an import processing charge will also be applied. After you have lodged your Import Declaration, we will advise you of the amount you need to pay before your goods can be delivered.
Goods with a value over AUD1000 are unable to be to be delivered by Australia Post unless an Import Declaration is made and any duty, taxes and charges owing are paid in fullIf you take no action within 30 to 45 days of receiving a First Notice then Australia Post may return the goods to the sender (excluding tobacco and tobacco products).
Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and tobacco products
If you import alcoholic beverages, tobacco or tobacco products by mail with a value equal to or less than AUD1000 we will send you an invoice advising the duty and taxes payable. You need to pay this invoice before your goods will be delivered to you.If the goods have a value of more than AUD1000 you must lodge an Import Declaration.
If you choose not to pay for the duty and GST on the alcohol products within 30 days of the payment advice, the goods may be returned to sender.If you choose not to pay the duty and taxes on the tobacco or tobacco products within 30 days of the invoice, the goods will be treated as abandoned and will be destroyed. Tobacco or tobacco products cannot be returned to sender.
One parcel for multiple people
If a parcel (one consignment) addressed to you contains goods or packages for other people (such as your friends or relatives) and the parcel has a declared or assessed value of more than AUD1000, you will need to lodge an Import Declaration. Duty, taxes and charges, where applicable, are payable for all the goods in that parcel.
Customs law does not permit a parcel to be split or broken down into separate items for assessment, even when the items were imported for other people.