When you buy over the internet your products will have the same rules, duties and screening processes applied as any other import into Australia
What you need to know
- For goods that are worth equal to or under AUD1,000, there are no duties, taxes or charges to pay.
- For goods that are worth more than AUD1,000, you will need to fill out a special form called an Import Declaration, and pay duties, taxes and charges.
- You will need to pay duties and taxes on some goods (like tobacco or alcohol) regardless of their value
- Certain types of goods are not allowed to be brought into Australia, or else need special permits.
What can I import?
To find out more about what you can and cannot bring into Australia, see Prohibited and restricted imports.
We may screen, x-ray or examine these goods just like any other imported goods to make sure the goods are allowed into Australia. The Department of Agriculture may also need to clear and inspect your goods before they can be delivered to you.
Goods with a value of AUD1,000 or less
You do not have to pay duty and taxes on goods (excluding tobacco, tobacco products and alcohol) with a value of under AUD1,000. These are called low value imports.
Goods with a value of more than AUD1,000
To import goods with a value over AUD1000, you need to make an Import Declaration. The import declaration provides information about the goods you are importing.
- You will also be required to pay the duty and taxes for your goods.
- You may wish to use the services of a licensed customs broker to help you import your goods.
- To find out more about how duty and taxes are calculated, visit Calculating duty and taxes.
Before you buy online
Gas and electrical goods
Gas and electrical goods that do not meet Australian safety and technical standards may be a serious safety risk. Those for sale online from overseas may not meet Australia’s standards. Some goods, like barbeques and personal grooming items, may not be able to be modified to meet the Australian standards.
Pirated and counterfeit goods
If you buy pirated or counterfeit items, you are buying a flawed product and supporting an illegal trade that could involve serious criminal activity and harm. You can help to combat copyright piracy and counterfeiting of trade marks by not bringing these goods into Australia.In some cases, Customs and Border Protection will seize imported pirated and counterfeit goods. Importing and selling counterfeit goods is illegal and can result in prosecution.
To find out more about pirated and counterfeit goods, visit Counterfeiting and piracy.