Australia has strengthened its Bio security laws with new increased penalties for travellers.
Bio security is a critical part of the Australian government’s efforts to prevent, respond to and recover from pests and diseases that threaten the economy and environment.
These strengthen rules applies to travellers who fail to declare high risk bio security goods at the Australian border.It is important for all incoming travellers to correctly declare food, plant material and animal items on their incoming passenger card.These bio security laws protect Australia from overseas pests and diseases that threaten the environment and local industries. Diseases like African Swine Fever and Foot and Mouth Disease are highly contagious and would have severe consequences if introduced into Australia.
As from 1 January 2021, the following visa holders may be liable for cancellation of their visa if they breach
the Bio security Act:
Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) (subclass 400)
Temporary Work (International Relations) (subclass 403)
Training (subclass 407)
Temporary activity (subclass 408)
Working Holiday (temporary) (subclass 417)
Temporary Work (Skilled) (subclass 457) (closed to new applications)
Work and Holiday (temporary) (subclass 462)
Skilled – Recognized Graduate (subclass 476)
Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482)
Temporary Graduate (subclass 485)
Student (subclass 500)
Student Guardian (subclass 590)
Maritime Crew (subclass 988).Rules that apply to Visitor Visas holders.
Your visa may be cancelled if you have,knowingly provided false or misleading information on incoming passenger cards
or knowingly provided a bio security officer with false or misleading documents or failed to answer a bio security officer’s questions about goods or provide written information about goods requested by a bio security officer; or failed to comply with the directions of a bio security officer in relation to the movement of goods.Any decision to cancel a temporary visa on a bio security ground
Will take into consideration,the seriousness of the breach,the potential impact on Australian business and agriculture, and
the individual circumstances of the traveller.