Dec 15, 2020
Importing Machinery Australia
Machinery and parts used in agriculture, mining, earth moving, construction, animal farming, timber felling, horticulture, fruit handling and food processing are all subject to bio-security import conditions. Australia exercises strict bio-security measures designed to protect plant and animal health. The […]
Dec 14, 2020
Importing into Australia
Although importing can be considered easier than exporting, there are numerous potential pitfalls for those who lack experience. It would be best if you comprehended the basic procedures involved. When placing an order with an overseas supplier, remember that you […]
Jan 28, 2020
Tobacco is now a prohibited import
The Australian Government has made changes to the way tobacco can be imported into Australia. Most tobacco products are now ‘prohibited imports’. This includes cigarettes, molasses tobacco and loose-leaf tobacco. To import tobacco products for both commercial and personal use, […]