Sep 25, 2018
Customs Broker
What do they do ? Exporting or Importing is by no means a simple task. There are documents to be collected and forms to completed & regulations to comply with. Customs broker are the experts in the field, a customs […]
Aug 28, 2018
Customs Warehouses
The warehouse licensing system which is administered by Australia Customs,provides owners of imported goods with the ability to defer the payment of Customs duty.Until they are ready to enter the goods for home consumption or pay the duty & taxes […]
Jul 04, 2018
How Planning Helps You Avoid Shipping Delays
Expect – Then Plan for Shipping Delays: Transit time is one of the most critical factors in logistics as goods must be delivered at their intended destination at the right time. The total time taken from pick up to delivery […]
Jun 25, 2018
How to be a successful Australian Importer.
Basic steps to importing Importing is often thought to be easier than exporting and perhaps in some ways it is but there are many traps for the unwary and inexperienced. It is important that you understand the basic steps: BEFORE […]
Feb 21, 2018
How are the Customs Import Exchange Rates Determined
When goods imported into Australia are invoiced in a foreign currency, the invoiced amount must be converted to Australian dollars using the prevailing rate of exchange for that particular currency on the day of exportation.This direction is contained in section […]